Thursday, February 24, 2011

I Need To Rent A Truck To Pull My Boat

Chicken Pizza with Lemon and Olives


3 tablespoons olive oil
1.5 Kg of Chicken
1 onion
2 cloves garlic
600 ml Chicken Soup
½ teaspoon ginger powder
1 ½ teaspoons cinnamon
1 pinch saffron
Olive 100 grs Green
2 bay leaves 2
Chicken livers
3 tablespoons Cilantro


quarter preserved lemon (preserved lemon), we made clear under running cold water, drain them and discard pulp and membranes, we are left only with skin. Dry it well and cut into thin strips. Reserve.

Preheat oven to 180 º C. Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the diced chicken until they begin to brown on all sides. We are putting in a baking dish.

With a little oil over medium heat and, Fry onion and garlic very finely, until tender. Add the broth, ginger, cinnamon, saffron, olives, bay leaf and lemon strips. Stir well and threw him on the fried chicken.

bake the chicken, stirring occasionally, for 1 ½ hours, or until very tender, adding during the cooking water or broth if necessary.

We took
from oven, separate the chicken pieces and put the rest on medium heat. Add the chicken livers and crush with a fork to integrate into the sauce, until well done.

cook the sauce for 5 minutes to thicken and bind. Add the chopped cilantro. Put chicken pieces in a bowl and pour hot sauce on top.

This recipe is very typical of Moroccan cuisine. It is very easy to make and very tasty and juicy. On this occasion I made following the recipe of " Morocco", an impressive book that makes an exhaustive review of the cuisine of that country and not wasted. A book that will give much of himself.

another recipe I've tried different chicken with olives, the blog " Cuisine et Campagne," which also released its Lola blog, which is equally great. The mixture of chicken with olives is perfect.

I have to admit I've made two decisions to make this recipe. I had preserved lemons, why not find the person that sold me before the rate necessary to make lemons. It really can be done with normal lemons, but this type of lemon is much more appropriate. So this time I used just lemon peel, another time I will show you the limes of which I speak ..

And what is unforgivable is the type of olives that I used. Some vulgar olives boneless supermarket. To correct this fault, I promise to do an exclusive entrance of Moroccan olives.

We are fortunate to live in an area where the cultural mix is \u200b\u200bamazing. Just as we have all kinds of European products, have all sorts of Moroccan products. In positions of species, nuts and pickles Atarazanas Market Malaga, a variety of stunning Moroccan olives. See, I'm going to teach. Promised.


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