Sunday, July 29, 2007

Round Ollhouse Windows



(Summary of an unpublished work by Brenda Pagola de Leon )

To refer to the church of San Carlos is necessary to recall a series of intricate events that determined the existence of our people and their most precious historical relic. It is known that since 1680 the Portuguese in Brazil had risen anchored at the mouth of Silver a stronghold '. Colonia del Sacramento.

This settlement Portuguese English rule led to a long ( a dispute between the European powers. Threats robberies and all kinds of complaints followed as the years passed. Spain, weak, wavering or indecisive, Portugal, strong, tenacious, increased their claims of conquest. In this situation, General Pedro de Cevallos is proposed to leave the country and the Portuguese in 1763 carrying the war to Rio Grande in a tremendous and successful campaign. A core of people in the region, recently brought from the Azores, was brought ashore to found a population East, San Carlos. Among the rustic ranches black fatigues amid the plowed land, a larger home fulfills the function of the chapel.

When he arrived in 1781 the priest Manuel Amenedo Montenegro, the famous Father Amenedo, although an important part of the Portuguese had returned to their payments, some English and Creole have been incorporated, and a few years after moving to the community Amenedo calling for donations for a temple he heads list , after the authorities received initial funding in 1500 dollars, the November 5, 1792 Bless the foundation outlined by Francisco de Castro behind the chapel of mud and straw. Under] the administration of Father neat Amenedo-contributions are carefully noted in pawns, slaves, bricks from a kiln made especially PANI, the temple donations vary, etc.-in only nine years was built the Mother Church of San Carlos, who understood colonial architecture defined as English Romanesque style that mixes the decorative details do later conceptions of European churches, especially notable features is the barrel vault of the bed to conduct the Manuel Noya operator, in which light penetrates the center opening of the quota-One. Between the two towers has a pediment crowned by a cross, a shield of Cardinals was unfortunately replaced by a clock.

The works of major figures like this are necessarily structured in stages, was elected patron of the Villa San Carlos Borromeo in 1800 and in 1801 moved the Blessed low peal of bells from the old neighbor hood and the ecclesiastical authorities of Buenos Aires in 1804 to attend his formal blessing. Meanwhile the floor was not replaced by the current brick, parishioners came with cushions and chairs at religious services; revoked in 1824. the base of the towers was covered in the blue and white English china used at the opening banquet.

The remains of Father willed Amenedo-at the time received anonymous threats from San Fernando de Maldonado, always involved in war fighting marine, saw San Carlos is ahead in building the temple, lie between the walls of the atrium.

Wiki extracted from the San Carlos (Eduardo Fernandez) Thanks


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